Sunday, June 22, 2008

so, what is new?

what is new? well, there are some new things. some things there are which are new to me in my life at this moment. i have a new job. that's new. i am leading worship at my church, which is a new experience. i have never led worship in my life. the church is beginning this new direction as a church focused on special needs families. that's a new concept in general. i made a few new friends today, and maybe these new friends will become old friends. old things are good. new things are good most of the time since they break up monotony, but old things can be extremely good. comfort is nice, and sometimes old things become comfortable, comfy even. but, sometimes old things become rote, boring, hindering to growth, and "comfortable" in a bad way. that's where new, shiny, new smellingy things shine in their shiny new way.

so, i lead worship now with a guitar and some vocal chords. up until a month ago i had not sung and played guitar simultaneously with much success, and i had never really sung in front of another person, let alone other people. this new found ability is absolutely a blessing from the Lord meant for this time. it's hard. leading worship is hard. i have so much more respect for men and women that make it look effortless. i have to put in a lot of effort for what i consider a mediocre outcome, but that's simply how it is right now. praise the Lord because it could be worse!

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