Saturday, September 22, 2007

put up or shut up

Harsh yet profound words. Put up or shut up.
The five words bouncing around inside my skull all day. No one has spoken them to me, they are my own challenge. I talk a lot, a lot of us talk a lot. We talk a lot about loving the unloved, and meeting needs, and fighting injustice. And these are all good things that need a lot of talking about. But they need more doing. So, I talk a lot. I'd like to talk less and do much much more, but here I am talking more about what I'd like to do. So I'm asking whoever reads this to hold me accountable to my words. What good are wasted words? I have sought avenues to help... some have not panned-out and some have yet to answer, so I'm not lazy. But when those which have yet to answer do answer, and perhaps if their answer is no, then will I move forward or continue to stall? And while waiting, why wait?

Last night was the fusion conference at Irving Bible Church. It is the largest church I have ever set foot in, except for Joel Osteen's, but that was when the building was still known as the Compaq center and the only worship was of the Houston Rockets. So, IBC is a big church, a nice church, an artsy church. I was a bit skeptical of the conference; I was really attending with the intention of investigating just what happens at these hip 20-something Christian shindigs.

Believe me when I tell you that I was blown away.

It is a blessing for me to see that a ministry like the fusion conference exists. It challenges the division of faith and everyday life. Fusion confronts the distraction of pop culture and mainstream consumerism, and contrasts what they offer with the needs and pain in our world. Images of pop culture were used only as far as they are relevant to calling attention to the misguidance of our generation. I feel that their method had integrity and strength. I almost got straight charismatic a few times! I wanted to shout with all my strength that these people were speaking the truth we have been thinking for so long. Amen! Knowin that this message is getting out encourages me with such hope.

After all the talking and all the music, they gave us the opportunity to act immediately. There were organizations present, both local, national, and international. Informationals were available for dozens of ministries; if a person wanted to get plugged in but didn't know how, it was provided. If anybody reads this and they aren't sure how to find organizations all they need to do is check out this website:

More to come.


Kristian and Katy said...

so awesome to hear what's happening!! ...truly encouraging.

thanks for the update.
-k & k

faith said...

awww shoot, is dis tha dom i been knowin? gettin straight charismatic in the big hizzle of tha lawd?

D.O. said...

I found you. I've subscribed.