Wednesday, September 19, 2007

trying to keep up

Ever feel like you're simply trying to keep up with life? Like there are more and more heavier and heavier things being tossed at your face and you've already caught so many that your hands are full? I feel a little bit like that right now. My problem is that I keep trying to catch those things falling towards my face, without thinking to put down the less important things already in my arms.
All figures of speech aside, I need to choose more wisely where I'm spending my time and what I will hold as priorities. Ok, so school work is important but there is a point at which it is ridiculous and I'm just beating myself up over getting it all done. It doesn't ALL need to get done in reality because only so much of it actually matters. By the way, school is great and I'm really glad I'm here, despite my occasional plot to run to Colorado Springs.

I was asked to apply and interview for a youth pastor position at Trinity Hills Baptist. I've become friends with the pastor, Larry. He seems to think I can pull it off so I'm willing to entertain the idea. I was honest with him; I don't feel "called" to youth ministry. I actually don't feel "called" specifically to any ministry. I don't even know if I like using the word "called" anyways. If I am called anywhere it's simply to ministry, to pouring out Christ's love, teaching His Word out of the Bible expositionally, and just being there when I'm needed. That's what it's all about, and if I'm meant to be there for high school kids for the next three years then so be it. I can commit to that and pour myself out there. I simply desire to minister.

Wow, blogging feels a bit self centered...but I guess it is about me. Haha.

So, I'm going to a CONFERENCE this weekend. It's the FUSION CONFERENCE, and people like DONALD MILLER will be there. It should be fascinating, one of the guys speaking is an author of a book on the emergent church. I'm not terribly familiar and so I really have no opinion on the movement, so I will be fascinated listening to him. And there will be spoken word, how cool is that? I think I could get into spoken word. So I'll update you all, whoever you all is after this weekend. I've never been to a conference, apparently they're a big deal and people do it lots, especially youth groups. Guess I'll get familiar with them if I take a youth pastor role. Is that even acceptable these days? A youth pastor that has never been to a CONFERENCE! I think so, it just means I don't get caught up in them. I'm down to earth.

1 comment:

Kristian and Katy said...

the conference sounds very cool, and you will definitely be much cooler after attending.

how exciting about the possibility of youth ministry. i'm with you on the "called" bit.

thanks for the thoughts. grace and peace to you.