Sunday, November 4, 2007

I am vibrating from the latest cup of coffee. I heard that starbucks (yes I drink starbucks but don't worry, only their fair trade) burns their beans to release more caffeine so that their coffee is more addictive. But that makes no sense because darker roast coffees are less caffeinated than light roast due to the longer roasting process. There you go, I just slammed that hypothesis. I'm calling my mom, she's the one that insists on the sinister bean burning conspiracy. In my opinion, Starbucks just loads their coffee with twice the amount of grinds as the average coffee drinker would. Hence, the excessively bold cup of joe. Why? Who knows and who cares. if you don't like it then don't drink it. I did have possibly one of the best cups of coffee of my life this morning. It was at this little place called...i don't remember what it was called, but I had the Italian roast. After the first test sip I had no desire to use any sugar and certainly no cream. Yes, it was nearly the perfect cup and I drank it like it was going out of style. I think God is calling me to open a kick ass coffee shop somewhere surrounded by big blue mountains and crystal clear rivers. Right, God?

Enough about coffee. I just spent the last five hours working on a research paper. I'm freaking wired and the writing juices are flowing. I guess I need some recreational writing time to come down from my intellectual high. Mentally I'm done with this paper, which is unfortunate because I have about two more pages to write. I'm already excited about my NEXT research paper due in less than two weeks which I have yet to begin. Don't worry, I'll spare you the topic and details since it would probably bore a normal person.

Let's see what else...I may have decided on a church! I have attended bear creek community church the last two sundays and it just might fit. It's in the latter-middle phases of church planting. Not that I have a sound basis for that estimate, but it seems about right to me. They are a decent sized congregation at this point (40-ish?) and they're at the end of the planning phase for their building. So, plenty of opportunity to get involved, learn, and teach.

Question: Should I revert back to the green background or stick with the funky maroon/burgundy? I don't think my computer screen accurately represents colors, it's pretty old. I trust your judgment.

Ok, that is all.


D.O. said...

While this color is fine, I think I like the green better.

You can open up a coffee shop. I'll be your manager or something, which will be ironic because I don't drink coffee. I'll also be in charge of the documentary screenings and discussions that follow... unless Google hires me and steals me away... nah, I'll still come hang with you.

faith said...

hah! sorry you've got an audience full of the normal people!